Why I've joined the beauty blogosphere

A little bit about me and why I am starting this blog…

I’m a Londoner currently working in the media industry – social media in particular – which has partly inspired my desire to start a blog. That and I have always loved to write. I was actually pursuing a journalism career before I got sidetracked into the PR side of things.

Plus I think I have a pretty good understanding of beauty products which are healing (hence the blog name) and want to dedicate more time to learning about ingredients which heal (and harm) and track down the products out there with the most natural and healing properties.

As we all know beauty is far more than skin deep and our bodies are highly complex, requiring a delicate balance of nutrients, water and food. Everything we eat, drink, touch, put on our face, inhale…it all has an effect on our health, and subsequently the way we look. I’m a big believer that the key to beauty on the outside must start from the inside. But there are also some great products to help along the way.

In this blog I’ll be exploring all aspects of what makes us look and feel beautiful: from beauty products, to facial and body treatments, to food, vitamins, exercise, relaxation techniques – always with healing in mind. I want to learn the best way of looking after our bodies in the long term through the products we choose and the lifestyles we lead, in doing so making us look our most beautiful along the way.

As well as furthering my own understanding of healing beauty, I’m hoping I might have some interesting things to say and maybe even help a few like-minded people make some positive choices about products they buy.  We shall see…

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